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This game features cutting-edge game technology like layered board modules, dry erase record keeping, character units and multi-theatre elements. Fight it out deploying space infantry platoons at the front end while hefting massive station weaponry from the rear. Large Junkspace orbital cities are often the battleground as well depicted by map-tile layers that players can record damage, fuel and ammunition supplies on. Virtually any hotspot in Sol system will be supported with full mapping and engineering information; in-game attributes provided on the boards.


Typically a Blak Dragon mission has players' fielding a capitol vessel, with garrisons and hangers bays, against each-other. Players field these capitol ships complete with square 3D map-boards that depict the vessels deck plan and attributes on cards provided.


Genre conflict elements include nuclear weapons, cluster missile pods, recoiless A.I. automatics, lasers and hand-to-hand blade and martial arts. Fighter-craft, robotic weapon systems, gunships and stealth units are deployable. Send fighter craft, gunships and mecha to assault enemy vessels in zero gravity space and wage infantry battles with your boarding parties. Die rolling and skill attributes compared with die-rolling, armor and dodge determine damage and or loss of units.


Orbital bombing, drop companies and other planet-side attack and defense options are also included in campaign rules.

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